About Sharon
Serving the Phoenix Metroplex Call 480-892-8862 today!
Sharon combines her love and respect for dogs and her years of professional experience as an educator and a counselor together with a positive, scientifically based training program to help you have a well-behaved family pet. Sharon is certified through the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers, the only accredited organization certifying dog trainers. To maintain this certification, Sharon frequently attends conferences and workshops to further her level of knowledge and expertise. Sharon is extremely proud of her association with Victoria Stilwell and her program to inform people about the importance of using scientific, positive reinforcement training. Sharon is also a certified Absolute Dogs Trainer using concept training and games to help our dogs become more confident, well adjusted dogs. She is a member of the Pet Professional Guild, an international organization that educates people on the importance of force-free training.
Sharon has a B.A. in Education and a M. A. in Sociology. She shares her home with three dogs. She has competed in agility and has an interest in canine musical freestyle. Sharon feels that dogs bring tremendous joy to the world and deserve to be respected and treated in the most humane manner.